Meet Our Founder, Jill Monaco
Jill Monaco is the founder of The Freedom Encounter and Jill Monaco Ministries, a 501c3 organization that has a passion to encourage you to pursue the presence of God and find freedom in Christ.
Jill found herself stuck in a cycle of shame, fear, and rejection following childhood abuse. As an adult she experienced spiritual abuse from church leaders. Her pursuit of freedom took her on a journey to discover how to rest in God’s presence and find healing for her soul. It’s out of those intimate conversations with God that she began to find hope and healing.
This journey led her to offer ministry and coaching to others who were suffering.
Jill is a PCC credentialed life coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF) and a Master Coach with the International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI). She is also the creator of Freedom Coaching® and The Freedom Framework™.
She wrote he first book The Freedom Coach Model® for her clients who wanted to apply freedom tools on their own. It includes over 20 different topics that lead the reader to encounter the presence of God by suggesting what questions to ask Him, a place to journal, a closing prayer, and a declaration of your newfound freedom. Her book is an Amazon #1 best-seller and popular among Christian coaches and counselors. The devotional style format allows the reader to quickly grasp the concept with teaching and then by offering questions to ask God in prayer.
Her podcast, the Jill Monaco Show, hosts guests who share their personal freedom journey. Each story inspires the listeners to dig into God’s Word and have hope for healing.
As a Bible teacher and speaker, Jill is known for captivating audiences with her high-energy, humorous approach to life’s serious issues. Her faith-filled and transparent stories encourage listeners to become all that God has created them to be.
Jill was raised in the Chicago suburbs and has a BFA in Musical Theater. Before ministry and coaching, Jill was a professional actress and voiceover talent. She sang backups for Perry Como, performed with Neil Patrick Harris, Patti LaPone, and in theaters across the country. She still can be found recording commercials and narrating audiobooks.
In 2013, inspired by Luke 9, Jill sensed the Lord leading her to put everything she owned into storage and go where ever God led her. What she thought would be a three month journey ended up being a three year training ground. She drove from N.Y. to L.A.. It was there that she prayed for people to find hope and healing from their emotional and spiritual bondage. When she didn't know what to do to help someone, God's presence came, He gave her prayer tools, and they experienced a powerful transformation. It became clear that encounters with God and His love led to lasting freedom.
The natural overflow led to Jill being asked to speak on stages and podcasts, host live events, write the best selling book, The Freedom Coach Model, and create Freedom Coaching®.
Jill established The Freedom Encounter because she knows the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. She can only help so many people one-on-one and wants to see as many people as possible set free by the power of the Gospel.
Today, Jill Monaco Ministries senses the call to equip and empower other leaders to advance the kingdom of God in their homes, communities, and churches. We do that through courses, training, certifications, and events.
To do that we know we need to help people get free so they can live free and then help others get set free.
The Freedom Encounter Course
The self-guided course offers people the ability to meet with God on their own terms and environment.
Freedom Leaders Training
Leaders who are inspired by the course and want to lead others through it in a small group or at their church. We believe this is the discipleship model that Jesus gave us - to embrace freedom and tell others about His beautiful gift.
Live Freedom Encounter Events and Retreats
It’s incredibly powerful to watch God move in people's hearts when we gather together in worship, teaching, and prayer.
Jill Monaco Ministries is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to encourage people to pursue the presence of God and find freedom in Christ through teaching and coaching. Our vision is to become a community of followers of Jesus who live free and help others get free by the power of the gospel.
The Freedom Encounter is a program of Jill Monaco Ministries and encourages you to pursue the presence of God and find freedom in Christ. 45-5625517