apply for this 12 month program below

The Freedom Certification

Please prepare for this application process to take about 30 minutes to complete.

You'll also need to provide 3 references.

Freedom Certification Training Application

Thank you for prayerfully considering joining our Freedom Certification Training Program. This Application will help us get to know you more and determine if a Zoom interview is a good next step.

This is not a commitment to join or a guarantee of acceptance into the program. If you need more information please review the website at

There are 8 very short sections to this application. We will ask about your faith and experience. Expect this to take about 10 minutes to complete.

Jill Monaco Ministries will not disclose the confidential information given in this Application without your expressed, written consent.

About You:

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.


Education and Experience:

(Type N/A if a field doesn't apply to you)


Inner Healing:

(Type N/A if a field doesn't apply to you)


Each participant in the program must demonstrate and maintain ethical integrity in all life coaching, ministerial, and professionally related activities. Please note that a "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily disqualify you for the credential you are seeking. If the case has been properly remedied and you are under no current ethical complaint or investigation, then the application process can proceed.

Please respond to the following items by checking the appropriate box:



As part of your application, we request that you provide the contact information for three references who have known you for at least 2 years who can serve as references to your spiritual and relational maturity: Pastoral, Professional, and Personal. Please be sure to reach out to those individuals so they know an email will be coming as their responses will be requested soon after.

Your pastoral reference should be from your church, or somehow ministry related. They do not need to hold an official role, but should be someone from your faith community who knows your character and capacity for leadership, or sense of calling in ministry.

Your personal and professional references may be anyone outside of your family, whom you feel will speak accurately and freely as to why you'd be a good fit for this training program.

All references should be able to speak about your relationship with the Lord. They need to be able to share why you'd be a good fit for this training program.

I affirm and attest by my signature below that I have answered all questions in this Application truthfully and have done so to the best of my knowledge and with full disclosure. I further authorize Jill Monaco Ministries to verify this information and understand that in the process of verification, these statements might become known to third parties. - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions